Monday, 19 May 2014

Future of the commonwealth

On Tuesday, 20th May,  I together with a few other High Commissioners, have been invited to attend a discussions on how we see the future of the Commonwealth, as an organisation. It seems members have grown apart and the successful setting up of regional organisations have help drift countries away. Africans are closer to the AU, as Europeans are to the EU. Caribbean see themselves very much as CARICOM and the same is with pacific countries. The things that brought as together have all but disappeared. There was a time when we did not need visas to travel among our countries, there were educational funds for our youths and the British council was strong. The current situation is very different. 

So the question is, is there any role for the organisation in the future? If yes what is it? Or are its members too far apart in really forging a common future?

let me know your thoughts.

At the Golden Jubilee of HM The Queen in 2012


  1. I think, Commonwealth as a forum is still important and members should maintain it. It is a forum where members can discuss common practices and shared values. It is also a forum where peace can be held...e.g. commonwealth members might find it difficult to go into a conflict with each other, and in case of a tension between members, the forum could be utilised as a neutral negotiation/mediation table (family space). However, that is possible, if Her Majesty Government, would start treat other members as equals. The colonial master-servant hierarchical attitude cannot work anymore in the 21st Century even with our poverty. The reasons why members are attracted to regional bodies is because they have a voice in those bodies. For example, when D. Cameron threatened to cut aid if countries passes anti-homosexuality laws. It was not right to use threats...because the forum should nurture dialogue and not commands. Thus, HMG should, at worst, act as first among equals...and not on top...and at best, act as perfectly equal to other members. They need to know that the influence of aid is declining and so they really do not have much power to the the Chinese are seemingly outweighing them. I love the commonwealth and I pray that it survives. Aikande

  2. Thanks Aikande for your views, we had good discussions. I am more optimistic, but there is still work to be done.
